
如今,加密货币正变得越来越流行. 许多互联网用户想知道他们什么时候应该投资. Our cryptocurrency website templates are ideal both for commercial and blog projects. With a content management system, you can easily create and manage your website.

If you want to build a blog, then consider using WordPress, Joomla, or Moto CMS3. WooCommerce, Shopify, PrestaShop, OpenCart, or Magento are great for creating online stores. 我们也有HTML5模板. Please note that you need to have a good understanding of HTML and web technologies to use them. 也有登陆页面模板,以促进您的项目.

ICO、NFT、区块链的特点和特点 & Crypto Templates

  • Visual page-builder compatible – you can customize most of our products via visual-page building solutions.
  • 视差-添加深度效果,使网站看起来令人印象深刻.
  • MailChimp – use all advantages of the popular marketing platform to promote your project.
  • Dropdown menu – add a menu that does not take much space until a user clicks on it.
  • 深色风格-我们的一些模板带有深色配色方案.
  • Lazy load – this feature helps to improve performance by delaying unnecessary content loading.
  • 流畅的动画-它有助于使网站看起来动态.
  • Various layout designs – you may use one of the included styles or create a personal one.
  • W3C-valid, clean, 并注释了HTML5代码, CSS3, 详细的文档, SEO-friendly, free Google Fonts, and more.

谁需要创建ICO、NFT、区块链 & Crypto Website

Our crypto website templates are great for individuals or companies which provide people with products, services, or information. 它们是个人博客撰写加密货币的绝佳选择, crypto mining tools, equipment, services, etc. With our themes, you may also build online stores to sell equipment or cryptocurrency.


一切都始于决定你的网站将会是什么样子. For example, you have to determine whether you want to create a blog or an online store. 它有助于理解你需要找到什么. 左侧面板将使搜索过程更快,更容易. You should:

  • Choose the category. 它将帮助你找到一个CMS或HTML5模板.
  • 选择标签、用户评级、价格、功能和其他参数.
  • 访问产品页面. It helps to learn important information, such as included features, requirements, a description, etc.
  • 考虑使用实时演示函数来了解不同元素是如何工作的. 请注意,您始终可以修改模板外观.
  • Add it to the cart.
  • 结帐、下载和激活产品是必需的.


  • 选择托管服务商,购买域名是很有必要的.
  • Install a template. The installation process depends on the product type (an HTML5 or a CMS template). 请注意,不同CMS的安装过程是不同的.
  • Customize the design. 有些CMS具有修改布局的功能. Please note that most of our templates are compatible with visual page-building solutions.
  • Ensure that you have set everything properly for online payments (if you create an online store).
  • Upload your content, such as photos, videos, text, description of products and services, etc.

你的网站已经准备好了,你应该进入下一个阶段. It is necessary to update content and promote your project to find new clients. 幸运的是,CMS有足够的选项来帮助您管理站点. You can easily edit the included content - update it, add or remove something, etc.



模板使网站开发过程更快,更容易. You do not need to write the code to add the required function or work on the layout. Our products already include multiple components that you can use to create the website.


注意产品所包含的特性. 它应该与创建一个有用的网站的一切. In this case, you do not need to waste your time looking for extra files or implementing various functions. The design is also important, but the flexibility of themes allows you to modify the style easily.


Responsive templates ensure that your website will work properly on devices with various screen sizes.


好的SEO有助于提高网站搜索排名的位置. 加密货币是竞争激烈的利基市场, and it is important to use all means available to make your website rank higher. 我们所有的产品都是完全seo友好.

Hottest Web Design Trends for Cryptocurrency Website Templates to Use in 2024

Check a helpful video about the most relevant design trends and use them in your cryptocurrency website for the best results. Vivid colors, minimalism, 花哨的排版是适合任何有益的功能, advantageous project.