Sportera -运动服装和装备prestshop主题


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shoppingBag Sales: 4

Created: 2021年5月7日

Updated: 2022年7月22日

ID: 183152

og体育首页ONE -无限下载 $13.25/mo

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Sportera -运动服装和装备prestshop主题 - Features Image 1Sportera -运动服装和装备prestshop主题 - Features Image 2Sportera -运动服装和装备prestshop主题-功能图3Sportera -运动服装和装备prestshop主题 - Features Image 4Sportera -运动服装和装备prestshop主题 - Features Image 5Sportera -运动服装和装备prestshop主题 - Features Image 6Sportera -运动服装和装备prestshop主题 - Features Image 7Sportera -运动服装和装备prestshop主题 - Features Image 8


体育运动现在已成为许多人的一种生活方式. 毫不奇怪,这不仅是美丽的,也是健康的. The diversity of sports makes it possible to implement an individual approach to each of us. 现在每个人都从事体育运动. 毕竟, 在体育, 数以百万计的人不仅得到力量,而且得到快乐, 实现个人目标, 胜利的高峰. Every fifth user of the Internet dials in search engines inquiries regarding bringing the body into shape, 健身中心联系方式, 以及购买体育用品. 因此,对它们的需求也在增长.

以运动服饰为主的PrestaShop主题, 您可以在最短的时间内创建一个体育在线商店. 而且,这个任务非常简单. You will make minimal effort to create sports online stores, but you will get the most out of it. Because many customers prefer to shop online for sports products and sports accessories. 体育网站的建立可以节省人们的精力和时间.

The design of the Sportera theme allows you to make a universal online store or adapt it to the category of customers you choose. 我可以用主题创造什么?

-一个所有东西都可以出售的通用商店:运动服装, 运动员装备, 运动食品. 请记住,在这种情况下,你覆盖了大多数目标用户, 但与此同时,市场被强大的竞争对手所分割.

-品牌专卖店. It could be your own brand or a collaboration with another well-known company.

- A specialized store that selects a separate direction and develops it deep. For example, it can be equipped for a particular sport, all types of sports pits, furniture for gyms. In a narrow niche, it is advisable to sell both running and exclusive goods. Experts believe that this type of activity requires the least costs and is able to be promoted in a short time.


So, you have already decided on the subject, concept, and direction of your store. 现在是最好的时机转移到运动服装主题PrestaShop. The finished theme Sportera is intended for online stores of 运动器材, 服装, 和食物, 用于健身中心和舞蹈室的场地, 以及简单的体育信息门户.

The finished theme of the Sportera is intended for online stores of 运动器材, 服装, 和食物, 用于健身中心和舞蹈室的场地, 以及简单的体育信息门户.

模板的独特性体现在许多专题图片上, 而且极其简单, 但同时它的设计也很吸引人. Working with PrestaShop templates is very convenient because it does not require special knowledge in the field of site development.

The finished theme opens up huge opportunities because its configuration is carried out in many parameters. 结果是, 你会得到一个几乎独一无二的网站, 的, however, 你不需要付很多钱. 同时,您自己也可以保持其可操作性.,更新和填充货物.







- blog.

您可以使用商店的所有工具:方便的菜单, 快捷通讯按钮, 一键购买. Here you can also set up item filtering and sorting by settings that are important to your customers.

主题的优势在于其适应性, 多语言, 所有浏览器的兼容性. 一个有吸引力的设计会吸引游客的注意力. And, of course, it is very important to be able to make the first correct impression. Here everything is done so that visitors on your site stay as long as possible and enjoy the shopping process.

主页是您开始使用资源的地方. 你的公司应该有一些关键的板块, 你的好处, 新的和畅销的产品, 你的促销活动, 和运输信息. 所有这些都是形成买家的兴趣和信任所必需的, 将他们转移到选择项目的下一个阶段, 和付款.

分类页面使用起来非常方便. Here you will find convenient sorting of goods by different parameters, setting of goods display. You can link them to brands and create product groups to increase your average check. The more marketing tools you use, the more revenue your store will generate. It is also important to monitor modern trends, establish high-quality work with customers. Such simple steps will help you not only stand out among competitors but also surpass them.

想想你的商店的独特性? 你帮助客户解决了哪些问题? Don't forget to write about this on the pages of your blog - interesting content affects the organic traffic on your resource and helps promote it. 为每一组目标受众发布有用的文章, 写关于世界比赛的文章, 新体育, 发表对顶尖运动员和教练的采访, 不要忘记娱乐内容.

为了提高在线商店在搜索结果中的排名,你需要优化网站. We have already taken care of this and created a theme with initial SEO optimization. 现在你的推广工作就更容易了.

产品页面允许您发布许多照片, 详细描述, 买家反馈, 产品特点, 和评级. The more detailed the product card is filled, the easier it will be to make a purchase decision.

你想让别人看到你的店吗? Choose a modern and professional WordPress template flexible for various devices. Use the administrative panel to configure any aspects of the site without problems. 为了使模板更好,可以使用与其他插件的集成. 主题是基于最佳SEO实践吸引更多的流量. Use social settings, WPML, integration MailChimp, and other features to promote your business.


现在创建一个网站已经变得非常容易了. You need creativity and imagination to achieve this, thanks to the sports apparel PrestaShop theme.

如果你有健身房的话, 体育用品商店或健身俱乐部, 运动队, you can consider creating an online presence and an additional source to increase sales.

主题是完全适应任何移动设备或宽幅显示器, 包含订阅表单, 相片画廊, 视觉效果, 菜单幻灯片, 和其他现代芯片. 这是创建一个成熟的竞争网站的真正基础. Flexible template management allows you to fully adapt it to your business and your tasks. The theme design is designed to cling to the look of even a casual visitor and encourage him to take advantage of the offer. Sportera不仅仅是一种设计, but a finished work product with all the necessary functionality for full-fledged work and high positions in search results.

该模板是专为生产和快速在线销售. Creating a site based on it is an absolute pleasure because you do not need to dive into the nuances of development, 你只需要选择颜色, headings, 添加商品. You can download the demo version right now and start working with your store.



  • 主题版本更改为1.0.1;
  • 移除旧PrestaShop模块;
  • JX AMP的更新, JX Header Account模块, JX制造商组, JX产品自定义选项卡, JX产品变焦器, JX愿望列表, JX愿望列表, 样本数据安装模块和JX博客模块;
  • 购物车更新的prestshop 1.7.8.






4.2 /5
支持度评分(222年评级) This rating is based on feedback from customers who have received support from the author of this product. 5 164 4 11 3 5 2 3 1 39
响应时间: Normal This value represents the average response time to a client's inquiry or request.
