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Joomla 3.x. Configuration multilanguage 网站

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This tutorial is going to show you how to configure a multi-language 网站 based on Joomla 3.x. In order to do this:

Joomla 3.x. Configuration multilanguage 网站

  1. Log into your Joomla admin panel 和 go to Extensions -> Extension 经理
  2. 点击 安装 Languages 
  3. Enter 的 language 名字。 you want to install (e.g. ‘Portuguese’) 在 Search field 和 点击 的 magnify glass icon.
  4. Check 的 language 和 点击 安装
  5. Wait till you get a message saying 的 new language’s been installed successfully.
  6. Extensions -> Language 经理.
  7. 点击 的 内容 选项卡, 的n 点击 .
  8. Create a new content language with unique parameters. For example, for Portuguese 的 fields should be filled in this way
  9. 点击 on 保存 和 Close. You will see a message saying "内容 Language successfully saved"
  10. Extensions -> 插件 经理.
  11. Look for one called System – > Language Filter 和 enable it
  12. To create a language switcher,去 Extensions -> 模块 经理.
  13. 点击
  14. Select Language Switcher
  15. Enter 的 模块 名字。, make sure its set to published, select its position 和 点击 保存.
  16.  Now you need to create a menu for every installed language 和 leave one additional for both languages. 这是, if you have English 和 Portuguese installed, you will have to create menus both for English 和 Portuguese. Check, which of your menus is set to be 的 default menu (has a home icon). For example, if you have 的 Main Menu with 的 default menu item, you are going to use it for all languages, 和 additionally you will need to create two more Main Menus for English 和 的 new language you have just installed. 去 Menus -> Menu 经理 -> Add 新 Menu
  17. Enter all necessary fields for 的 English language 和 点击 保存 和 Close
  18. Menus -> Menu 经理 -> Add 新 Menu again 和 enter 的 necessary fields for your new language (e.g. Portuguese) 和 点击 保存 和 Close
  19. Now you need to add new menu 选项卡s to each of 的 main menus based on those already added to 的 default Main Menu. You can go to Menus -> Main Menu for Eng -> Add 新 to add 的 menu, but 的 easiest way would be to just duplicate 的 exiting menus by going to Menus -> Main Menu -> select 的 default menu 选项卡 就像 首页。 和 点击 保存 as Copy
  20. Under “MessageMenu item successfully saved” you need to change 的 fields for 的 new languages. For example, for English 下 的 Details 选项卡 you should change 的 Menu Title, 别名, change 的 状态 to Published, select 的 Main Menu English you created in  的 Menu Location drop-down, change 的 Default Page to 是的, 在 Language drop-down select English (UK).
  21. 点击 保存 和 Close.
  22. Repeat steps 22- 23 for your new language. E.g. for Portuguese it should look 就像 this

    (Only in this case 下 Advanced Options you will also need to 点击 Select Categories select 的 category  for 的 new language : for instance, if its set to a category “首页。”, you need to have ano的r “首页。” for 的 new language. If you don’t,去 内容 -> category manager 和 create it. The new category  needs to have articles 在 new language added to it. This can be done any time later, so for now you can just leave it as is).

  23. If everything is done properly, 下 Menu you will see flag icons added to 的 main menus.
  24. Now you need to duplicate 的 top menu 模块 for English 和 的 language you added. 去 Extensions -> 模块 经理
  25. Find 的 模块  used for 的 top menu, e.g. Superfish Menu ( 名字。 depends on your template). Check it 和 点击 Duplicate.
  26. 点击 的 menu you duplicated. For English, 下 Details: you are going to change 的 名字。 (e.g. to Superfish Menu Eng),  change 的 状态 to Published, 在 Language drop-down select English (UK)

    Options: Select Menu drop-down  select Main Menu eng ( 一个你 created in 19);

    Menu Assignment: select Only on pages Selected模块 Assignment drop-down box, 的n  点击 Select None 检查 首页。 Eng Main Menu eng

    ( 一个你 created in 23). 点击 保存 和 Close.

  27. Repeat 的 same to create a  menu 模块 for 的 new language. If its Portuguese, 的 settings should be as follows:
  28. Details:


    Menu Assignment:

  29. Disable 的 Superfish menu for all languages
  30. Now go to Menus -> Main menu -> 首页。 -> 模块 Assignment for this Menu Item 和 检查 Hide Unassigned 模块s.
  31. Your new 首页。 menus should have 的 same 模块s assigned to 的m if you want your mulingual versions of 的 网站 to look correctly. 点击 each 模块 which has “yes”  下 显示 和 在 Menu Assignment select 的 two menu 选项卡s you added (i.e. 首页。 for eng 首页。  for pt) 点击 保存 和 Close.
  32. Do 的 same for 的 rest of 的 模块s that have “yes” 下 显示, 的n 点击 保存.
  1. Open 的 front page of your 网站 和 try using 的 language switcher to 检查 how 的 both versions work. They should be identical. You can now add different content to 的 new language version.

Feel free to 检查 的 detailed video tutorial below:

Joomla 3.x. Configuration multilanguage 网站

Joomla Professional Templates
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